maandag 31 maart 2008


Elizabeth J. Donaldson - The Corpus of the Madwoman: Toward a Feminist Disability Studies Theory of Embodiment and Mental Illness - NWSA Journal 14:3

5. The previous film, David and Lisa (Perry and Heller 1962), is based on the study by psychoanalyst Theodore Rubin (1961). See also the novel One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (Kesey 1962) and the subsequent film (Forman and Douglas 1975). In Cuckoo's Nest, the patients fall into two categories: those in therapy appear to suffer from socially-produced ailments and are distinguished from the chronic (real?) patients, who seem to fall outside the realm of discourse, sympathy, and redemption. This is a point that Mitchell and Snyder also discuss (2000, 173-4).

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